Somos un servicio en línea de pedidos de registros vitales autorizado para Oregon Vital Records.

Eso significa que podemos procesar su solicitud de manera rápida, asequible y segura. Lo único más rápido es hacerlo en persona, – pero eso no siempre es posible o conveniente y es por eso que estamos aquí.

Oregon Vital Records Center Of Health Statistics 800 N.E. Oregon St./Suite #205 Portland , OR, 97232
Phone 888-896-4988
Fax 888-825-3805
Visite el Oregon Vital Records sitio web.Opens a new tab to an external website.

Acerca de los registros vitales de Oregon Vital Records

The Oregon Division of Vital Records (Oregon Vital Records) issues certified copies of Oregon birth certificates, Oregon death certificates, Oregon marriage records and Oregon divorce records for events that occurred in the State of Oregon. You may order copies of Oregon vital records through VitalChek on an expedited basis.

Identification Requirements
Oregon Vital Records requires all applicants to submit a copy of their government issued photo identification. Appropriate forms will be provided at the end of the order process.

NOTICE: Although VitalChek attempts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this site, state and agency information is subject to change without notice. VitalChek makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information herein and assumes no liability with respect to such information.


Although VitalChek attempts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this site, state and agency information is subject to change without notice. VitalChek makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information herein and assumes no liability with respect to such information.

Disponible Oregon (OR) {2} Tipos

Birth Long

A full certified birth certificate that can be used for any legal purpose. Long forms should be requested when they need to be authenticated for use outside the United States, for tribal membership, for detailed footnotes regarding changes to the record and for additional record data -- time of birth or address at birth. Certified photocopies of birth records are available for births that occurred in Oregon from July, 1903 through December 2007. From January, 2008 to the present, long forms are printed from electronically filed records, but complete record data and amendment information is included.

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A certified birth certificate that can be used for most legal purposes. These certificates are issued from a computer database for births that occurred in Oregon between January, 1920 through the present.

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Death Short

A certified copy of the death record that excludes the lower section filled out by the medical certifier. It provides proof of the fact of death when the cause and manner of death are not needed and when the family wishes to maintain confidentiality about the medical information on the record.
Also referred to as a certified 'fact of death' record by Oregon. Only this type of record is needed to clear title to a car, bank account, or property.

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A certified copy of the Certificate of Marriage. This is not a copy of the marriage license. Marriage records are available for events that occurred within the State of Oregon from 1906 to present.

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A certified copy of the Certificate of Divorce. This is not a copy of the divorce decree. Divorce records are available for events that occurred within the State of Oregon from 1925 to present.

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Death Long 10 Year Search

A certified copy that can be used for legal purposes in the United States and with cause of death information. This certificate can be ordered by customers who are unsure of the exact date of event. You will need to enter 01 as the month, 01 as the day and the approximate year of event. If a record is found within the ten years searched, a certificate will be issued. If not, the application will receive a "No record letter". The search fee is non-refundable.

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Oregon Registered Domestic Partnership Certificate

The Certificate of Oregon Registered Domestic Partnership is a legal record. Oregon recognizes partners as having the same legal rights as married couples.

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Death Certificate Long Form

A certified copy of a death certificate (includes cause of death) that can typically be used for legal purposes.

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¿Por qué debería confiar en VitalChek?

4 millones
de documentos de registros vitales procesados por año

Más de 35 años
de experiencia

100 %
de cumplimiento de los estándares PCI de más alto nivel para proteger su información personal